Last updated:

November 04, 2021

Confidentiality Policy

Please read this agreement carefully, as it contains important information regarding your legal rights and remedies.
The English version of legal agreements and policies is considered as the only current and valid version of this document. Any translated version is provided for your convenience only, to facilitate reading and understanding of the English version. Any translated versions are not legally binding and cannot replace the English versions. In the event of disagreement or conflict, the English language legal agreements and policies shall prevail.

Sarathi Tax always considers a protection of customer information as a crucial part of data protection policy.

We are committed to maintaining confidentiality of the information & documents shared by our prospective customers with us. 

We Do Not

  • Never ever, disclose any information pertaining to our Clients to any third parties except in a case where it is necessary to serve our services to customers & to government authorities.
  • Never ever, disclose our Client list or Client Information to third parties without their consent.
  • Never ever, sell client information to third parties